There were quarter-size drops of blood going down the street. I had no doubt he needed stitches, I am going to assume that was the last car he ever tried to steal. My Harris hawk was a beautiful black hawk with red shoulders, red thighs and a large white band in her tail. This wa...
stigma against mental illness and providers in communities at large and within my family of origin, folks assuming that i’m only going into it to have a good lifestyle (anyone who knows me this is probably at the bottom of the list of reasons – and anyway what’s wrong with wanting b...
Blackblade Reforged 14% of 114 decks +10% synergy The Spear of Leonidas 14% of 22 decks +12% synergy Kite Shield 12% of 114 decks +12% synergy Vanguard's Shield 11% of 114 decks +11% synergy Paladin's Shield 11% of 114 decks +11% synergy Leonin Bola 11% of 114 decks +11% ...
In fact, that’s what depression feels like: black and impossibly thick and sticky. The harder I struggle against it, the more stuck I feel. I tell you, if my dear Doggess did not need me….but she does. She is dying, very very slowly, but very surely. Each day brings some new...
Yeah desert rose isn't that good in reality as it does on paper. Plus you need to double bar it, same with impreg. I wouldn't go that build at all. I personally like my high elf magplar running FB stuhn's and BB SPC, 2x earthgore, 1x mala and 1x trainee. Not really a pur...
cold as a desert sky dark as the day the fool and the jaded cost you fading away somewhere in the grave there's a wounded healer somewhere in the grave there's a wounded healer there is no luck there is no mercy no one is innocent and no one is guilty ...
To her he would always be an Arab, a man of the open, a desert dweller75. And in the sandy wastes of the great wilderness76 towards which her thoughts had turned so longingly77 she would live with him the wild free life of her dreams, a life that might prove hard and dangerous ...
“Pretty usually,” he answered, “it’s a bad habit one catches in the desert. But I’ve always wanted to try Suliman against that grey of André’s. He had him beaten from the start,” he added with a faint smile, “come have a drink.” And he led the way under the lance-...
The room appeared to be empty; the massive bed, its silken curtains hanging from a gilt62 coronet fixed44 in the ceiling had not been slept in. But as she looked again, too tired to move, she saw what she had overlooked at first, the tall gaunt figure of a woman, clothed in black...