1a :willful, rash heady opinions. b : violent, impetuous. 2a : tending to intoxicate or make giddy or elated heady wine being in such distinguished company was a heady experience. b : giddy, exhilarated heady with his success. How do you use the word heady? Heady sentence example.Lost i...
capped, so there would be no surprise requests for cash in the future. But then came “variance at completion” (VAC). Apparently, Boeing, the prime contractor for the American components of the ISS, presented NASA with a $600 million VAC. Add to that another $100 mil...
playbook their fellow Christian conservatives use—the Bible—but just a different page. Genesis 6:19: “Whereat Noah, in covenant with God, was bidden to build his ark and thence to collect two of every creature that creepeth upon the Ear...