网络本部 网络释义 1. 本部 ...理仲裁,并进行有关调查,温特斯因此被暂时调职到指挥本部(英语:Headquarters and Headquarters Company),担任营 …|基于9个网页
HHCHeadquarters & Headquarters Company HHCHigher Harmonic Control HHCHappy Hard Core HHCHope and Homes for Children HHCHorsehead Holding Corp.(Pennsylvania) HHCHousing and Human Concerns(Hawaii) HHCHighly Hazardous Chemical HHCHewlett-Packard Handheld Conference ...
The meaning of HEADQUARTERS COMPANY is an administrative and tactical unit furnishing the necessary specialist personnel for headquarters of a battalion or higher unit.
网络释义 1. 旅部连 ... 第2旅部支援营(2 nd Brigade Support Battalion)旅部连(Headquarters Company) 第562工兵连(5 62nd Engineer Com…|基于13个网页 2. 营部连 营的执行军官坎尼少校(Major Canney)适才向塔普雷特报告说他的营部连(Headquarters Company)已经撤退到了路的这一 … ...
15. Laoshan CBD was along the Haier Road and included the Beer City and Business Districts One, Two and Three. This area will be developed as the Hi-Tech industrial centre and headquarters of some domestic corporations. 崂山商务区以海尔路为轴线,包括啤酒城和商务一、二、三区,这里将成为青岛的...
检查“ headquarters and services company”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中headquarters and services company的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
网络营下指挥服务连 网络释义 1. 营下指挥服务连 是美国海军陆战队步枪营下指挥服务连(Headquarters and Service Company)里的单位,并直接由指挥服务连的S-2(情报与 …|基于3个网页
H&S - Headquarters & Service Company. Looking for abbreviations of H&S? It is Headquarters & Service Company. Headquarters & Service Company listed as H&S
Headquarters Company, along with MSG School, is composed of approximately 100 Marines providing administrative, logistical, legal, training and education support. 匡提科的隊部連和海軍陸戰隊衛兵學校共有100人,提供行政、後勤、法律、培訓及教育支援。 LASER-wikipedia2 In order to facilitate command and...