受邀免费试用 Microsoft 365 立即解锁以下是关于使 Surface Headphones 保持最佳状态的一些提示。 清洁Surface Headphones 耳机 避免暴露在液体和高湿度环境中,以免损坏 Surface Headphones。 如果 Surface Headphones 的外部接触到水,请尽快用柔软的毛巾擦干。 用软布和异丙醇溶液(浓度为 70% 或以下)擦拭 Surface ...
Surface Headphones 2+ 在使用 Teams 软件时符合音频/视频规范标准,以确保高质量的通话体验。 通过以下方法之一启用“Microsoft Teams 认证”体验: Surface USB 链路硬件保护装置。 使用多个蓝牙设备时,使用附带的硬件保护装置进行专用连接。 蓝牙。 现在可用于Windows 11,请确保更新耳机以运行最新固件,如下所述。 即将...
If you don’t hear a beep, make sure you tap the middle of the touch area on either ear—not the edge. If you still don’t hear a beep, try the following: Press and release the power button to turn off your headphones. You should hear “Goodbye” on ...
Microsoft Teams 認定 Microsoft 365 での使用 ファームウェアの更新 Surface Headphones 2 以降の技術仕様 交換部品 ハイブリッドワークプレース用に構築されたSurface Headphones 2+は、不要な環境ノイズを低減し、明確なリモート会議参加を可能にし、忠実度の高いサウンドを提供します。 Surface Headphones...
If you don’t hear a beep, make sure you tap the middle of the touch area on either ear—not the edge. If you still don’t hear a beep, try the following: Press and release the power button to turn off your headphones. You should hear “Goodbye” on your headph...
Surface Headphones 帮助和学习 立即解锁 设置Surface Headphones 立即开始使用。 了解如何将 Surface Headphones 配对并在 Surface 应用中设置它。 了解详细信息 我拥有哪个版本? 远程工作 获取可从家中连接、工作、学习和播放的资源和工具。 有关远程工作的详细信息...
Surface Headphones 2+ 与 Microsoft 365 中的生产力功能集成,例如帮助提高语音转文本听写的准确性,或者使字幕在演示过程中说话时能够在屏幕上显示。 在Microsoft Word、Outlook 和 PowerPoint 中使用听写进行交谈而不是键入。 在交谈时在屏幕上启用实时字幕和字幕,并将你所说的内容翻译成 60 多种语言之一,以便更易...
Our headsets and speakerphones work out of the box with over 10,000 traditional desk phones. They are future-proof and compatible with all softphone and web clients, from Microsoft Teams to Mitel. Providing your staff with optimized and trusted devices that work seamlessly with your UC platform...
I've spent some time searching online and it does seem that this is not uncommon as there are quite a number of reports of people having the same issue. However, whereas some of them managed to get theirs working, none of the options they tried seem to have worked for me...
I made a "repair" of the application "Xpress (pour Microsoft Teams)" of Jabra, and it correct the problem. Some of my colleague do the same and correct also the problem. iCoyoteI have a similar issue with HP EliteBook 830 G8 Notebook PC wheren in the red busy light wi...