With Postfix version 2.2 and earlier specify "postmap-fq" to query a table that contains case sensitive patterns. By default, regexp: and pcre: patterns are case insensitive. TABLEFORMAT This document assumes that header and body_checks rules are specified in the form of Postfix regular express...
well,因为这两个headers连同Date:,都是cleanup程序写的,而在cleanup接手前,header_checks已经完成了它的工作了。 就Postfix而言,一封邮件在写进mbox档前,经过smtpd和pickup、cleanup、trivial-rewrite程序的处理,已经不是header_checks所看到的那样了,所以『按图(mbox)索骥(mail headers)』是很有可能失败的。 不知道...
Hi, I am trying to run header_checks after AMAVISD and into Postfix re-injected path. Idea is to check for "X-Spam-Flag: YES" and PREPEND value...