Headache on Top Right Side of Head Causes Sometimes, a headache at the top of your head is only on one side, either the right or the left. Cluster headaches typically affect one side of your head. Sometimes, migraines also cause pain on one side. Pain from a migraine may start around ...
Apply the warm poultice on forehead. Keep for 15 minutes. Menopause and headache - Menopause headaches can range from mild to debilitating, sometimes incapacitating women for hours. Exercise headache -When you exercise, the muscles of the head, neck, and scalp need more blood to circulate, ...
The headache had begun suddenly at the top of her forehead, before radiating, then moving, to the back of her head. When the headache started, the patient had seen "lightning bolts", then lost the vision in her right eye for several seconds; her vision had since been blurred, with ...
Sinus headache.When your sinuses are infected due to allergies, bacteria, or viruses, you could feel pain and pressure around your forehead, cheekbones, and nose. If you lean forward, the pain may get worse. It goes away when the infection clears. Ice cream headache.Also known as "brain f...
There is helpful another point near the outer edge of the top of the foot, located where the bones of the pinky toe and the second to last toe intersect. Press and hold this point for 30 to 60 seconds to relieve headaches that run through the side of the head to the forehead. Finally...
Tension headacheis the most common type of headache. These headaches typically occur in the late afternoon and go away by evening. The pain is usually mild or moderate. You may have problems tolerating bright light or loud noise. The pain is usually across the forehead or in the back of th...
Case study: A 51-year-old male with a 5-year history of severe stabbing intermittent pain in the right frontal region referred to our department because of increasing frequency and intensity of the pain over the last few months. The symptoms usually emerged during exposure to cold wind while ...
A cluster headache is characterized by intense pain on one side of the forehead, especially over one eye. It often strikes in "clusters," meaning the headache comes and goes frequently. It may occur at about the same time of day for several days or weeks in a row. ...
Gently massage your forehead, scalp, and the region around your eyes Lie down in a quiet, darkened room and rest, or try to sleep Take an OTC painkiller Can sinus infections cause headaches behind eyes? Sinus infections cause inflammation in the sinuses and can cause a dull and continuous he...
Location:Where is the pain the worst? At the back of the head, top of the head, sides of the head, base of the neck, behind the eyes, or elsewhere? Pain characteristic:How would you describe the pain? Dull, band-like, throbbing, pounding, excruciating?