头像≠ head image 在说英语的时候,大家千万不要把“头像”两个字直译过来,说成是head image哦! 头像的正确说法是“profile picture/photo”. 这里的 profile 就是“面部的侧影,侧面轮廓;简介;形象”的意思。 例句: Do you like your new WeChat profile picture? 你喜欢自己的新微信头像吗? 下面我们再来学习...
微信头像不要说成head picture哦,快来学习微信的实用英语表达吧。 微信英文表达 profile picture头像 profile[ˈproʊfaɪl] 外形;轮廓;面部侧影 profile photo头像 profile picture头像 把头像直译成head picture,老外可能会以为你在说关于头部的特写图片。把头像说成photo,老外是可以理解的,但更准确的表达是prof...
HEAD-IMAGE EVALUATION APPARATUS AND HEAD-IMAGE EVALUATION METHODA purpose of the present invention is to categorize various shapes in early FPHL and to define progression classification in order to determine the progress and the therapeutic effect.Akiko KANEKO...
clipBorderWidth="2dp" app:clipType="rectangle" app:mHorizontalPadding="30dp" /> //ClipViewLayout设置原图,由于Activity直接传递BitMap在大图时候会报错,所以此处传递图片的URI地址,具体使用请参考demo public void setImageSrc(final Uri uri); //ClipViewLayout获取剪切图,对外提供裁剪的方法 public Bitmap ...
HeadImageLibrary 2024-8-9 02:39 时光机带我回到了过去,你也试试?O微博回忆 @HeadImageLibrary 【#演员于月仙车祸去世# 曾出演《乡村爱情》“谢大脚” 于内蒙古车祸去世】8月9日中午12时,封面新闻记者从本山传媒获悉:著名演员《乡村爱情》“谢大脚”于月仙不幸于8月9日,在内蒙古阿拉善,因拍片发生车祸去世...
longzc1314 / AndroidHeadImageCliper Public forked from wsy858/android-headimage-cliper Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 头像上传图片裁剪,实现仿QQ、微信两种效果 0 stars 84 forks Branches Tags Activity Star Notifications longzc1314/AndroidHeadImageCliper master 1 Branch0 Tags Code This branch ...
It's great to see your interest in extending YOLOv8 for multi-head image classification. To implement multi-head classification where each head predicts different attributes (like Make, Model, and Color for car images), a custom multi-task learning approach within the YOLOv8 architecture would be...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an image exposing head and an image exposing device, capable of increasing the light amount introduced to a printing paper via an image forming means as much as possible without putting a burden on the light source.;SOLUTION: In an image exposing head having...