trauma [ˈtrɔːmə] A. N (traumas, traumata (pl)) [ˈtrɔːmətə] 1. (Psych)→ trauma m 2. (Med)→ traumatismo m, trauma m B. CPD trauma centre, trauma center (US) N→ departamento m (hospitalario) de urgencias Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridg...
Los golpes en la cabeza son peligrosos en un niño pequeño. c. la lesión en la cabeza (F) When the doctor says "intracranial trauma," he is referring to a head injury.Cuando el médico dice "traumatismo craneoencefálico", se refiere a una lesión en la cabeza....
Spanish / Español Select a language: femoral [ˈfemərəl]ADJ→femoral Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
Smith M. Diffuse axonal injury in adults. Trauma. 2003; 5: 227-34. Duhaime AC, Christian CW, Rorke LB, Zimmerman RA. Nonaccidental head injury in infants. The “Shaken-baby syndrome”. N Engl J Med. 1998; 338: 1822-9. Case ME, Graham MA, Handy TC, Jentzen JM, Monteleone JA. Po...
traumatraumatic encephalopathySCAT2Recently, there has been increased attention to concussions that occur during sports activities, both at school level or amateur and professional level. Concussion is defined as a sudden and transient alteration of consciousness induced by traumatic biomechanical forces ...
Head Trauma Vince Mola, Jamil Mangan, Mary Monahan 3 votes In the psychological thriller Head Trauma, the title is both a literal and metaphorical representation of the protagonist's struggle with his past and present. The story follows a drifter who returns home after 20 years, only to be ...
In addition to the historical interest that these traumatisms arise, they undoubtedly provide an occasion to review the level of the medical practice in a determined epoch. For this purpose, we retrospectively surveyed the events regarding the unfortunate life of Prince Don Carlos, first-born son...
Data source : The MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS, and Web of Science databases from 2001 to 2012 were reviewed, using the terms “shaken baby syndrome” and “abusive head trauma” in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Data synthesis : Pediatric abusive head trauma is defined as injury to the ...
Kill the Jockey, about a jockey whose identity — already fragmented by trauma, drugs and alcohol — repeatedly transforms following a racing accident and its accompanying head injury, was just too esoteric.“This movie is not pitchable,” Ortega admits.Another potential reason for all those ...
"chief, head, director, teacher" (source of Old French maistre, French maître, Spanish and Italian maestro, Portuguese mestre, Dutch meester, German Meister), contrastive adjective ("he who is greater") from magis (adv.) "more," from PIE *mag-yos-, comparative of root *meg- "great....