Ibrahim NG, Wood J, Margulies SS, Christian CW (2012) Influence of age and fall type on head injuries in infants and toddlers. Int J Dev Neurosci 30:201–206 PubMedGoogle Scholar Schutzman SA, Greenes DS (2001) Pediatric minor head trauma. Ann Emerg Med 37:65–74 CASPubMedGoogle Schol...
While head injuries are one of the most commoncauses of deathand disability in the United States, many patients with head injuries are treated and released from the emergency department after receiving treatment. Brain injury may be caused by a direct blow to the head, but shaking may also cau...
While shaking the head to fall asleep is considered normal infant behavior in most cases, it can also sometimes qualify as an insomnia sleep disorder. It usually occurs when the child is transitioning to sleep or already asleep and can include head shaking from side to side or other repetitive...
TODDLERSHEAD injuriesRETINAL injuriesINFANTSMAGNETIC resonance imagingPATHOLOGYIntroduction: In infants who have suffered head trauma there are two possible explanations for retinal hemorrhage (RH): direct vitreous shaking and occurrence in association with intracranial lesions. Whi...
By 16 months, she was doing all the motions—even shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head when we come across buffalo and penguins in on other books! For bilingual families: I prefer the “Claro que sí” of the Spanish version to the “I can do it!” of the English。
Dina said I might be able to stay in the water a bit longer, but I started violently shaking my head as a shockwave of nearly paralyzing pain swept over me. I needed to get out now, but I couldn’t think about how I was going to move my legs and suddenly felt like a beached wha...
It’s no wonder men like Donald Trump are shaking in their boots. Because hell hath no fury like a teenage girl who is awake and aware and done with your bullshit. Posted: Tue, Sept 24, 2019 at 9:05 PM CDT The climate crisis explained in 10 charts | The Guardian ...