在Head Pose Estimation任务中,经常将头部欧拉角回归、人脸关键点等任务做在一个网络中,通过共享backbone,用多个head去做多个不同的任务。通过此方法可以一定程度降低欧拉角的预测误差。 附录: 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.00925v2 github链接:https://github.com/natanielruiz/deep-head-pose 参考链接:https...
2017 CVPR [1710.00925] Fine-Grained Head Pose Estimation Without Keypoints (arxiv.org) 1. Contribution 端到端的头姿任务网络:We present a method for using deep convolutionalneural networksto directly, accurately, and robustly predict an Euler angle-based representation of head pose directly from ima...
本文以复现论文《Fine-Grained Head Pose Estimation Without Keypoints》为例说明如何使用Tensorflow & Keras自定义 multi-loss 函数。 论文地址: https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.00925 复现代码: https://github.com/Oreobird/tf-keras-deep-head-pose 一、原理简述 论文提出了一种无需人脸关键点的人脸头部姿态估计...
Realtime Face Detection and Head pose estimation on Windows、Ubuntu、Mac、Android and iOS - imistyrain/MTCNN
With a single video camera, the system continuously tracks the head in six degrees-of-freedom, initializing itself automatically with separate modules for head detection and head pose estimation. The tracking module provides a fine estimate of the 3D motion of the head, using a new appearance-...
论文: HYBRID COARSE-FINE CLASSIFICATION FOR HEAD POSE ESTIMATION 论文网址: https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.06778 官方pytorch代码: https://github.com/haofanwang/accurate-head-pose 该论文提出了coarse-fine的分类方式。 回到顶部(go to top) 1. 网络结构 论文网络结构如下图所示。输入图像通过骨干网络得到特征...
name: “Ego-Body Pose Estimation via Ego-Head Pose Estimation” description: “CVPR 2023 paper implementation.” url: “github.com/lijiaman/egoego_release” features: –“Estimation of body pose from head pose” –“Ego-centric viewpoint analysis” ...
SCUT-HEAD is a large-scale head detection dataset, including 4405 images labeld with 111251 heads. The dataset consists of two parts. PartA includes 2000 images sampled from monitor videos of classrooms in an university with 67321 heads annotated. PartB includes 2405 images crawled from Internet ...
比如论文《Fine-Grained Head Pose Estimation Without Keypoints》就是这么简单粗暴: 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.00925v2 代码链接:https://github.com/natanielruiz/deep-head-pose 当然,还有FSA-Net,本博客就是在FSA-Net的基础上进行优化 ...
head pose estimation 经典论文,使用CNN预测三个角度值,pitch,yaw,roll,本文提出一种combined classification and regression方法,并且用了HopeNet,在BIWI、300W-LP和AFLW2000数据集上训练和测试,比使用landmark方法得到了提升,模型大小也不是特别大,能够实时。