head-on collision 英[ˈhedˌɔn kəˈliʒən] 美[ˈhɛdˌɑn kəˈlɪʒən] 释义 正面对撞[争用] 实用场景例句 全部 I saw ahead-on collisionbetween two aeroplanes. 我看见两架飞机迎面相撞。 辞典例句 Head - on collision are rare....
in collision with 和... 相撞[冲突] in collision adv.相撞,在冲突中 相似单词 head on a. 正面的面对面的;毫不避讳的 collision n.[C,U] 1.(物与物或人与人)相撞,碰撞,撞坏 2.抵触;(相反的目的、看法、意见等的)冲突 head 【构词成分】(构成名词) 1.表示"顶端";"顶部"(如:pithead) 2...
Hada head-on-collisioninmyauto;fortunately,bothvehiclesweretravelingslowly,sonoinjuriesoccurred.Iendedupinjail. 在汽车上撞击我的头部,很幸运,车走得很慢,没有遭到伤害,最终进了监狱。 www.tnb110.com 4. Duke:That'sanicewaytomeetsomeone--sortoflikehavingahead-oncollisionwithaBMW!
2) He ran slap into me. 他和我迎面相撞。3) head-on crash 迎头相撞 例句>> 4) head-on collision [航]迎头相撞5) central collision 迎面碰撞,对心碰撞6) head-on collision 正面相撞补充资料:华佗治经来房事相撞神方 华佗治经来房事相撞神方 方名。出《华佗神医秘传·卷六·华佗妇科秘传》。
in which the front part of one vehicle hits the front part of another vehicle ahead-on crash/collision TopicsTransport by car or lorryc2 Join us Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press!
Police Report: Three Hurt in Head-On Collision near Longviewmathieu, Stevie
Chords Of Chaos - Head on Collision
2) head-on crash 迎头相撞 例句>> 3) central collision 迎面碰撞,对心碰撞 4) magnetic head collision 磁头碰撞 1. HDDmagnetic head collisionis a common failure capable of causing permanent data loss. 磁头碰撞是硬盘的高发故障,并可能导致硬盘上的数据无法挽回,是磁盘存储的主要安全隐患之一。