head of hu·mer·us (hed hyū'mĕr-ŭs) [TA] The rounded extremity at the proximal end of the humerus; articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula Synonym(s):caput humeri[TA] . Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
Back ground: Humerus is the longest of the long bones of superior extremity.It"s head articulates with\nscapular glenoid cavity to form the gleno-humeral/Shoulder joint.The rounded head of Humerus is too\nweakly supported in the scapular glenoid cavity lined by glenoid labrum which makes ...
headofhair-growthofhaircoveringthescalpof ahumanbeing mane human,human being,man-anylivingorextinctmemberofthefamilyHominidaecharacterizedbysuperiorintelligence,articulatespeech,anderectcarriage hair- acoveringforthebody(orpartsofit)consistingof adensegrowthofthreadlikestructures(asonthehumanhead);helpstoprevent...
Head of humerus articulates with ___ cavity View Solution Unstriated muscles in the vertebrates are also called View Solution Head of humerus is articulated with pectoral girdle by a joint View Solution Anus opens into a central chamber in vertebrates called View Solution ARIHANT NEET...
Osseous groove between the lesser and greater tuberosities within which runs the long head of the biceps tendon (LHB). Glenoid Concave ovoid surface covered by hyaline cartilage arising from the scapula neck, which articulates with the humeral head. Acromion Anteriorly projecting process arising fr...
The meaning of RADIAL HEAD is a rounded eminence by which the humerus articulates with the radius.
The hip joint is one of the more dense joints of the body. It manifests multiple degrees of freedom and also needs to absorb heavy loads and transmit many forces generated from our engagement with the ground. This architectural reality makes the topographical anatomy of this regi...
HUMERAL PROSTHESIS FOR THE ARTICULATION OF THE SHOULDER A humeral prosthesis (10) for the articulation of a head of a humerus in a mating glenoid seating of a shoulder comprises a prosthetic cap (20) which is able to articulate in the glenoid seating and which, to cover the head of the...
d) Humerus. 1. Is the angel of the rib on the anterior or posterior side of the body? 2. Which ribs (by number) are at the floating ribs? 3. What part of a rib articulates with the transverse process of a vertebra? Which vertebral or thoracic structure connects to a rib ...
The head or uppermost portion represents the ball and rests in the glenoid fossa (the "socket" portion) of the shoulder blade to form the glenohumeral or shoulder joint. Scapula: The shoulder blade. The glenoid represents the "socket" portion of the scapula and articulat...