Ephesians 5:23 :“For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Saviour of the body.” Today’s Meditation:A body cannot has two heads; a family cannot has two leaders, otherwise it would cause chaos. Christ is the ‘Head’ reveals His ...
and the second coming to pass when Gabriel to Mary with his message. All of that took us intoIsaiah 8. Here inIsaiah 9, we see that Galiee of the Gentiles will see a great light (vv. 1-2). And then a few verses below that, the prophet Isaiah opens up and starts delivering stupe...
The church has had a positive impact to the local area for many years. ―Parishioner Yesterday’s carol service was the most meaningful I’ve ever been to. Instead of singing verses to an abstract deity, children were involved in processing and outlining their thoughts about their future. Ever...
I found it very interesting that the very day this story broke, I happened to read the account of Jesus and the woman who was caught in adultery in John 8. This woman had been forcefully yanked from her bed and dragged through the streets before being roughly pushed to the ground at the...
18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. 19 No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval. 20 So then, when you come together, it is not ...
“The 1/4 dimension’s time and the 1/5 is of the spirit. I’m spending all my 1/4’s on this level till I clear it.” I went to church one night and the pastor started reading from the book of 1 Peter, which begins: “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers ...
InEphesians 1:23(previously mentioned above), “head” is used where Christ subjects everything under his feet for the sake of the church, which is his “body.” In this verse, Paul does not say that the church is subjected to Christ. Rather, we are meant to be “the fullness of him...
The head will tell the bodywhat to do in My true Church. I only have one people, not a divided, separated schism. Denominational walls are being done away with. Connections are being made with others of like mind. Feast on My word, My hidden manna. Speak My word, My people and be ...
2) Where do you attend church? Tell us a little bit about it. Do others practice headcovering there? I am blessed to attend Little Rachel Church, which is in the Waldo, Kentucky area. I attend services on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings. There is one other lady that practices head ...
As the parents of five daughters (from 9 months through 12 years), my husband and I have had to consider whether or not we want them to wear a head covering to church — and if so, at what age they should start. I think this question is very common in families where the mother ...