Q15. Which city is known as the "Electronic Capital of India"? (A) Hyderabad (B) Bengaluru (C) Chennai (D) Delhi Ans. B Q16. The Planning Commission in India is now known as (A) Planning Council (B) NITI Aayog (C) NITI Sanjog (D) Bharatiya Aayog Mandal Ans....
Microsoft AI fairness checklist,San Francisco’s Ethics and Algorithms toolkit,Google AI fairness,UK Government’s data ethics workbook,NITI Aayog’s Responsible AI,Alan Turing’s Understanding AI Ethics and Safety,IEEE Ethicsin Action etc are the AI governance frameworks in existence today....
Archana Gulati is a long-term Indian government employee who worked in Niti Aayog Alphabet Inc's Google has hired a new Public Policy Head in India, Archana Gulati, who previously worked at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's federal think-tank and the country's ant...