10. Liaise with the Head of Faculty, Director of Studies and the Head of Examinations regarding course outlines for curriculum booklets for Years 6 to 9 and option booklets for IGCSE and A Level Other Responsibilities Undertake other reasonable duties as ...
Contribute significantly to school improvement / development planning and promote the learning priorities of the school development plan; Manage the operation of the department/faculty smoothly and seamlessly; Develop and deploy resources to support high quality student learning; Promote the wider aspirations...
Job Description Example:工作描述的例子 热度: Jobdescription ASNJ.Vol.6,No.2,2007 39 JobdescriptionforHeadNursesinSurgicalUnitsAt MansouraUniversityHospital GehanMohamedMostafa,Lecturer, NursingAdministration,FacultyofNursing,HelwanUniversity. NeamatMohamed,AssistantProfessor ...
134411 系主任职业描述 Job description – immicn 系主任负责为大学或其他高等教育院校内的一个部门、系或学院来企划、组织、指导、控制和协调教育或管理方面的事宜。 Plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates the educational and administrative aspects of a department, faculty or school within a un...
All of our teachers are experts in their instructional area and, through the inquiry-based teaching approach, emphasize active, collaborative learning to encourage students to form connections across disciplines. Our experienced IB expert faculty will be guiding our ...
Job Title: Grade: HLTA (SEND) SO1 Working Hours: Full Time, Term Time only +5 days, 37 hours per week Responsible To: Head of Faculty Priesthorpe School expects all employees to uphold the duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of learners. Preparation and dissemination of ...
collaborator, and relentless in the pursuit of ‘better’ practice. The faculty offers a variety of enrichment opportunities, including competitions, guest speakers, and educational visits to local sites, alongside a vibrant and relevant curriculum underpinned by our definition of High-Quality Learning....
Ingram, Founding Head of College... may take place in Shanghai or online. Safeguarding Statement Our...更多…… Assistant Head of Secondary (Teaching and Learning) Nord Anglia Education 上海市 合同工 help develop Heads of Faculty... Deputy Head (Academic) to lead the team of Heads of Facul...
aShe succeeded her husband as Head of the Physics Laboratory at the Sorbonne, gained her Doctor of Science degree in 1903, and following the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906, she took his place as Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of Sciences, the first time a woman had held...
2. The seat of the faculty of reason; intelligence, intellect, or mind: I did the figuring in my head. 3. Mental ability or aptitude: She has a good head for mathematics. 4. Freedom of choice or action: Give the child his head and see how well he solves the problems. 5. Slang ...