Currie MJ, Reynolds GJ, Glasgow NJ, et al. A pilot study of the use of oral ivermectin to treat head lice in primary school stu- dents in Australia. Pediatr Dermatol 2010 NoveDec;27(6): 595e9.Currie MJ, Reynolds GJ, Glasgow NJ, Bowden FJ. A Pilot Study of the Use of Oral ...
to take it into one's head to do sth he took it into his head to go to Australia→ se le metió en la cabeza ir a Australiadon't worry your head about it→ no te preocupes, no le des muchas vueltasto keep one's head→
(VHS), infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN), infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN), salmon pancreas disease, heart and skeletal muscle inflammation, furunculosis, bacterial kidney disease (BKD), salmon rickettsial disease (SRS), sea lice, winter ulcer disease (Moritella viscosa), and amebic gill ...
Head Lice Patient Information Fact SheetPatient Fact SheetsJaapa