100% patients who had CT scan met NICE criteria while 80% met Scandinavian head injury criteria. The trust spent 17,000 for skr, which could be avoided. Significant number of out of hours CT scans was performed. The number of skr should be reduced and re evaluation will be done after 1...
many patients with head injuries are treated and released from the emergency department after receiving treatment. Brain injury may be caused by a direct blow to the head, but shaking may also cause damage. The head is perched on the neck, and rapid acceleration or deceleration of...
Inclusion Criteria for Head Injury Clinical Pathway头部外伤临床路径纳入标准 Patient admitted with principal diagnosis of minor head injury with GCS score of 14 and above. 病人入院主要诊断为轻度头部外伤,GCS评分14分及以上。 Criteria for admission : 1. Patient with GCS 14-15 2. History of loss of...
many patients with head injuries are treated and released from the emergency department after receiving treatment. Brain injury may be caused by a direct blow to the head, but shaking may also cause damage. The head is perched on the neck, and rapid acceleration or deceleration of...
1、Head Injury Pathway 头部外伤临床路径 Alexandra Hospital 亚历山大医院 (DEM & WARD Pathway) 急诊及病房路径 DRUG ALLERGY 药物过敏 PATIENT S STICKY LABEL 病人标签 WARD / BED NO 病区/床号. : Inclusion Criteria for Head Injury Clinical Pathway 头部外伤临床路径纳入标准 Patient admitted with principal...
The results of our study, which are discussed in conjunction with the various neurotraumatological disease entities, are based on 1808 cases of craniocerebral injury. Table 2 presents the results in terms of clinical findings and CT criteria. The CT-scan was normal in 527 cases, while 1422 pat...
But now what? What do you do with somebody who acts and appears normal, even though there was a history of a head injury? Who will have bleeding in their brain and who won't? Who needs a CT scan and who just needs to go home?
However, the utility of routine CT scanning in patients with minor head trauma is controversial for both child and adult patients. Haydel et al sought to develop and validate clinical criteria to identify patients with minor head injury who do not benefit from CT scans. Patients 3 years and ...
Kleiven S. Evaluation of head injury criteria using a finite element model validated against experiments on localized brain motion, intracerebral acceleration, and intracranial pressure. Int J Crashworthines. 2006;11(1):65–79.S. Kleiven, "Evaluation of Head Injury Criteria Using a Finite Element ...
In the past decade, many 3-D finite element head models have been used to develop injury criteria for the brain. The Wayne State University (WSU) head model (e.g.,[162]), MIT DVBIC head model[104], SIMon head model[138], and University of Louis Pasteur (ULP) head model[157]are ...