Here I'm alive, everything all of the time Background: The first of the children *** Morning Bell Morning bell Morning bell I don't know the killer Release me Release me You can keep the furniture A bump on the head Coming down the chimney Release me Release me Please... Release me...
Now I can actually touch my glans with fabric, but it still isnt all fixed. So my tip is to everyonce in a while, wet your glans and do the dust removal thingy. Even if it hurts think about all the poon you're gonna get with a working penis. And don't push it to hard, ...
I had never witnessed this before. The next day you really did NOT want to go home, getting you dressed was a chore until Aunt Pixie decided to make it a game of hide-and-seek and that everytime they hid from us, she added a special piece of clothing that made her harder to find...
I dont belong here I dont care if it hurts I want to have control I want a perfect body I want a perfect soul I want you to notice when Im not around Youre so fucking special I wish I was special But Im a creep Im a weirdo What the hell Im doing here? I dont belong here ...
8 out of every 10 boxers don’t know how to come in with the jab. It’s a random statistic I just made up but my point is: hardly anybody moves their head when they come forward with the jab. Anytime you bring yourself closer to your opponent, you’re potentially walking into a ...