A short history of head coverings in churchGREGORY ELDER
Pilgrim Baptist Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbc_cookeville Show More Sermon ID 38221733542337 Duration 41:47 Date Mar 4, 2022 Category Midweek Service Bible Text 使徒保羅與可林多輩書 11:16 #contentious #custom More in this series Head Coverings 12 Sermons Next Previous Add a Co...
Our Testimony, Part 9: Head Coverings 系列Our Testimony 书签 推动 下载 分享 扬声器 Michael Ives 跟随 广播员 PRC of Corbin City 跟随 讲道活动 1,117(611|506) Psa. 80:14-19, Morven #212, p. 1375 OT Reading – Psalms 60 & 61
Source: John Murray – Head Coverings and Decorum in Worship: A Letter (1973) – Point #2 Source: R.C. Sproul –“To Cover or Not To Cover” (Sermon) Source: Church of England, The Book of Common Prayer: “Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical” (Charles Bill: 1706) Source: Watchman...
Meanwhile, the egalitarian worldview seems to be more prevalent than ever, and egalitarian arguments are . . . well, the same arguments used against head covering. If Paul’s command for women to wear coverings was just cultural, then what’s to say egalitarians can’t make the argument fo...
Head Coverings - Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you. But I want
Headship and submission are God’s ordained order to achieve oneness in marriage and unity in the church. Whenever a woman inverts this order, she becomes a life-taker. Instead of nurturing a sense of place and family in her home and church, she sucks the life out of that relationship/...
Keep Yourselves in God's Love(2015) Appendix "Head Coverings — When and Why?" "A sister should wear a head covering and would normally be seated when conducting a meeting for field service."Kingdom Ministry2015 Mar p.6 "Occasionally at meetings for field service, it might be necessary...
Hatsare the first thing that comes to mind when talking about headgear. These head coverings are popular all around the world. Most of the time, this type of headwear is considered to be an accessory. It is common to see people wearing beach hats on the beach or enjoying their time in ...
So, first I want to say thank you to everyone who has followed me and supported me through the life of this blog. You all have been wonderful!! After ma died 18 months ago, I’ve struggled. Ma was truly my best friend and the ‘anchor’ I had in this world. At times I still ...