head and shoulders above idiom meaning, origin, examples in a sentence, dark meanings, definition, synonyms, interesting facts, backstory, and the history of the phrase.
Head-and-Shoulders Patterns head-banger Head-banging head-bobbing doll syndrome head-bone head-bones Head-borough Head-butt head-butter Head-butting Head-butts Head-cap head-case head-cases Head-cheese Head-Down Display Head-Down Display
be/stand head and shoulders above somebody/something 释义 Idiom His performance stood head and shoulders above the rest. 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
Words which are part of the phrase and which come after the head are called the post-head.… Idioms a head of steam an old/a wise head on young shoulders be banging, etc.yourhead against a brick wall be in overyourhead be offyourhead bite/snapsb'shead off bury/haveyourhead in the...
superior:In intelligence, he was head and shoulders above the rest of the children in the class. [Archaic.]by force. head over heels: Idiomsheadlong, as in a somersault:He tripped and fell head over heels into the gully. Idiomsintensely; ...
head and shoulders, far better, more qualified, etc.; superior: In intelligence, he was head and shoulders above the rest of the children in the class. Archaic. by force. head over heels, headlong, as in a somersault: He tripped and fell head over heels into the gully. intensely; ...
Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat Head, Heart, Hands, Health Head, Neck and Face Head, Sir Henry Head, Tilt, Chin, Lift Head-and-Shoulder Bottom Head-and-Shoulder Bottoms head-and-shoulders Head-and-Shoulders Pattern Head-and-Shoulders Pattern Head-and-Shoulders Patterns Head-and-Shoulders...
head and shoulders above 大大勝過 head over heels 完全地 above/over sb.'s head 太高深而超出某人的理解力 bite sb.'s head off 嚴斥某人 come to a head 達到緊要關頭 eat one's head off 大量地吃 go to sb.'s head 使某人醉 沖昏某人的頭腦 hang one's head 感到羞愧 have ...
be/stand head and shoulders above sb/sth 比其他人(或事物)好得多;出类拔萃;鹤立鸡群to be much better than other people or things bite/snap sbs head off (informal) 气愤地对某人大喊大叫;(尤指毫无道理地)呵斥某人to shout at sb in an angry way, especially without reason ...
Wikipedia head-butt vb(tr) to deliberately strike (someone) with the head n an act or an instance of deliberately striking someone with the head Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 200...