Editorial (Thematic Issue: Oncoviruses and Head and Neck Cancer: An Impending Facts)Biomarkerhuman papilloma viru oncoviruse oral cancerpatentIn current year needles of diseased Picea abies the radial walls of the bundle sheath were found in a state of partial delignification, while the cells were...
D. Lopez TorrecillaEuropean Journal of CancerHoriot JC, Bontemps P, Begg AC, et al. Hyperfractionated (HF) and accelerated (AF) radiotherapy (RT) in head and neck cancers: facts from trials, impact on standard practice. Eur J Cancer 1995;31A:Suppl 5:69. ab- stract....
Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) are amongst the most aggressive, complex, and heterogeneous malignancies. The standard of care treatments for HNC patients include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or their combination. However, around 50% do not benefit while suffering severe toxic...
Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) are an aggressive, genetically complex and difficult to treat group of cancers. In lieu of truly effective targeted therapies, surgery and radiotherapy represent the primary treatment options for most patients. But these treatments are associated with s...
Free Essay: A review of her medical record indicates that she was diagnosed with head and neck cancer 17 years ago. She underwent s/p of the neck, radiation...
Head and neck cancer (HaNC) can be debilitating, resulting in high symptom burden. Physical activity (PA) can improve quality of life; however, less than 9
Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) are amongst the most aggressive, complex, and heterogeneous malignancies. The standard of care treatments for HNC patients include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or their combination. However, around 50% do not benefit while suffering severe toxic...
The grim statistics of head and neck cancer incidence and survival have remained essentially unchanged over the past 3 decades despite the prevention efforts against known risk factors of head and neck cancer, and advances in the diagnosis and treatment, arguing forcibly for new insights regarding ...
Head and neck cancers encompass a heterogeneous group of tumours that, in general, are biologically aggressive in nature. These cancers remain difficult to treat and treatment can cause severe, long-term side effects. For patients who are not cured by su
Cell Death and Disease (2014) 5, e1018; doi:10.1038/cddis.2013.548; published online 23 January 2013 Subject Category: Cancer Facts Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth leading cause of cancer worldwide. Exposure to carcinogens (tobacco and alcohol) and infection with...