HEAD & neck cancerORAL cancerDISEASE risk factorsHYPOPHARYNXMOUTH tumorsAGE groupsHead and neck cancer (HNC) is a major public health problem in India. This article presents the HNC burden in different regions of India. The published population-based cancer registries (PBCRs) ...
Head and neck cancer: global burden and regional trends in India. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 15, 537–550 (2014). Article Google Scholar Guha, N. et al. Oral health and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and esophagus: results of two multicentric case-control ...
Each year, more than 5.5 lakh patients are diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancers (HNC), representing 27.5% of all cancer cases in India. The disease burden in India is in sharp contrast to a mere 4% of cases reported in Western countries,[1]making HNC a significant health challenge in ou...
Head and neck cancer: global burden and regional trends in India. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 15, 537–550 (2014). Article Google Scholar Guha, N. et al. Oral health and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and esophagus: results of two multicentric case-control ...
India has a huge burden of head and neck cancer and specifically oral cancer. Supportive oral care is not a standard of care in our population and is often neglected. Currently, there are no specific guidelines for such care in India which could be followed. The aim of this study is to ...
Head and neck cancer surgery in Ontario, 2003-2010: an ICES atlas. November 2015. Accessed September 29, 2020. https://www.ices.on.ca/Publications/Atlases-and-Reports/2015/Head-and-Neck-Cancer-Surgery-Atlas 2. The Global Cancer Observatory. Lip, oral cavity: fact sheet. March 2019. ...
Head and Neck cancers (HNC) are a heterogeneous group of upper aero-digestive tract cancer and account for 931,922 new cases and 467,125 deaths worldwide. About 90% of these cancers are of squamous cell origin (HNSCC). HNSCC is associated with excessive
The presence of functional HPV-specific PD-1+TCF-1+CD45RO+ stem-like CD8 T cells with proliferative capacity shows that the cellular machinery to respond to PD-1 blockade exists in HPV-positive head and neck cancer, supporting the further investigation of PD-1 targeted therapies in this ...
Head And Neck Cancer Thyroid Disorders Dizziness Sleep Apnea Track: 3 Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Otorhinolaryngology (otherwise called Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery) is the medical discipline which includes the way toward diagnosing, treating, and dealing with the sicknesses, varia...
Cramer JD, Burtness B, Ferris RL (2019) Immunotherapy for head and neck cancer: recent advances and future directions. Oral Oncol 99:104460 Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Gupta VG, Bakhshi S (2017) Pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in India: status, challenges...