相比之下,Hifiman HE1000 Stealth几乎让人忘记它戴在头上的感觉,这一方面确实令人印象深刻。两款耳机的耳罩内部空间都足够大,足以容纳耳朵,相比之下HE1000 Stealth的耳罩空间更大一些。 配件 Warwick Acoustics Bravura除了耳机线并没有附带多余的配件。而Hifiman HE1000 Stealth则配备了两种线材,一种是6.3mm接口,另一...
在HE1000 Stealth中,声场显得更为广阔,声音环绕感强烈,垂直方向上的声音填充更加饱满,给人留下深刻的印象。而Bravura则给人一种更为亲近的听感,垂直方向的填充感不如HE1000那般充盈。 关键在于三维感上,Stealth带给我更强烈的感受,因为它们在声音的远近延伸上更为出色,而Bravura在这方面的表现则较为局限。 两者的...
The Hifiman HE1000 Stealth retains its refined, dynamic, and vocal-forward sound that made the original model so popular. The soundstage is equally impressive, displaying incredibly precise stereo imaging. And overall, the rich depth and clean layering is particularly enjoyable, especially when paired...
作者:Lieven原文链接:https://www.headfonia.com/HIFIMAN-he1000-stealth-review/ 如果你对个人音频感兴趣,那么你可能对HIFIMAN品牌有一些了解。它是由边仿博士于2007年在纽约创立的,旨在生产高端个人音频产品。HIFIMAN是首个发布高端便携式音频播放器HM801的品牌,这成为了今天我们所知道的参考音频播放器的催化剂。 H...
HE1000 Stealth Magnets Design THE EXPERTS HAVE SPOKEN Nanometer Thickness Diaphragm World's First Diaphragm in Nanometer Thickness In the HE1000, the film we use is so thin, it is a diaphragm in nanometer thickness which is a breakthrough core technology
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HIFIMAN updates its popular HE1000 V2 with stealth magnets! The new HE1000 Stealth takes on the more expensive HE1000se by offering a bassier sound and being easier on the ears while retaining the same excellent comfort and fit to make for a compelling p
For the rest, the HE1000 Stealth features the same technology as before: Nanometer thickness diaphragm Advanced Asymmetrical Planar driver Patented “Window Shade” system I do like Hifiman’s User Replaceable Connector Design this headphone uses. When there before were some issues with the 3.5mm ...
TheHE1000 V4 Planar Magnetic Open-Back Headphones from Hifimanhave been updated from their previous model HE1000 headphones and offer redesigned earpads that are thick with an asymmetrical shape, a stronger cable, and polyester earpad surfaces instead of velour material to increase sound transparency...
In the meantime let’s talk about the $2699 HIFIMAN HE1000 UNVEILED and how it compares to the company’s more ‘regular’ headphone designs such as the HE1000 Stealth and theARYA Organicin my full review below. Features On paper, the HIFIMAN HE1000 UNVEILED is a set of high-end open...