|12|[xuaikun/summary](https://github.com/xuaikun/summary)|总结相关经验|6|0|2024-04-11| Expand All @@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ |15|[Teddy-Liao/Beauty-of-Control-using-Matlab](https://github.com/Teddy-Liao/Beauty-of-Control-using-Matlab)|复制了《控制之美卷2》书籍提供的Octave源代码,并用...
We remained inside the vehicle for a while, for over 20 minutes perhaps, waiting for my other cousin Amandlenkosi Mathuthu to arrive with a pick-up truck which would carry the material Advent was buying. Advent and Amandlenkosi were still inside the shop when I observed a man in a ligh...
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It should be noted that the work- ing conditions we applied to our laboratory system were far different from those in Sawayama's4 and Huang's10 studies (discussed pH in the influent. above) Under in several aspects, i.e. occurrence such conditions, parallel removals of of heterotrophy, the ...
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This game is perfect for those who love math puzzles and are eager to challenge themselves! 2. Stage Mode: This is a progressive challenge mode where the difficulty increases with each level. Only players who score 80 or more intelligence points in "Start Game" can enter! The first level ...
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|1|[MathFoundationRL/Book-Mathematical-Foundation-of-Reinforcement-Learning](https://github.com/MathFoundationRL/Book-Mathematical-Foundation-of-Reinforcement-Learning)|This is the homepage of a new book entitled "Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning."|2317|4|2024-05-15| |2|[personqian...