英语翻译 hesaysthathethatisfaithfulinlittlethingsshallbemadechiefovermany. 这是totellitonthemountain第38页的一句话1回答 2020-11-1715:20我要回答 提示:回答问题需要登录哦! 提交李振金 翻译如下:“他说像他这种对小事物也怀揣信仰的人应该在对很多人事物拥有主要(掌控)权.”thatisfaithfulinlittlethings是补...
one of the first things a faithful theologian needs to do is to straighten out the confusion brought about by the world’s separation of faith and reason. This relationship is so vital to a biblically fastened worldview that to neglect it will involve the believer in a host of conflicting...
___, he can succeed in his work if he works hard. A.As a person is foolish B.Foolish as a person is C.As is a person foolish D.As foolish a person is 参考答案: B 考查 as 引导的让步状语从句的倒装形式。as 引导的让步状语从句应用倒装语序,应把表语提 前。【知识拓展】注意 as 引导...
So with some moving around of furniture that we already had and buying a few new items to spruce up our school room, we’ve slowly been making changes over the summer. After three years of living in this house and the prior owners leaving the wood windows half painted in the schoolroom,...
We pulled over to see what the all the fuss was about, and he informed us that our camper door had come open and bags were falling out. About the same time, we got a phone call from an unknown number which we didn’t answer. A few minutes later, a text came through from the ...
Those who have spiritual insight and a willingness to understand God's word will receive even more revelation and wisdom. This principle is echoed in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), where faithful servants are rewarded with greater responsibilities. The idea is that spiritual ...
A few days ago, I lifted my candle with a thousand other folks and said that the darkness could not overcome the light. I don’t repent of the declaration. It is still true. Still, the lights of physical life can dim, while the light of Redeeming Grace shines the brighter. ...
Where will you spend the endless eternity? If you haven't been justified by faith in Jesus Christ you could die and drop straight into hell at any moment of the day or night. That's the truth. It's the sheer mercy and loving kindness of God that He has k
a pair of shoes/socks/glasses一副眼镜 ★fear ① vt. 害怕畏惧sb. fear doing sth. 害怕做……sb. fear sth. 害怕…be afraid of 害怕…… be afraid of /fear 人做主语 ② vt. 恐怕,猜想(比be afraid要正式) fear that… 恐怕…… We fear /It isfeared/ We’re afraid that many lives have...
I am in my early 40s and I have been dating a man in his middle 50s for five years now. When we both met, I was having complications in my second marriage, to a man a few months older than him.