point,butstillIwouldnotstop.Icouldnotgiveup.Therewasalwayssomuchmoretodoandso muchmoreto 10 . Idiscoveredalotaboutmyselfinthosetiringhours.IlearnedthatIwasfartoostubbornto giveup,andIwastooproudtoprovemyselfwrongafterIhadsetanunrealisticgoal.Evenwith physicalpainandmentalstress,Iforcedmyselftomeetmy 11 ...
but i wont show im st but ill send you all but im not looking but im playing with m but im still here but if excessive but if i had to say g but if it doesnt feel but if mom asks but if the ox were wo but if this way but if thou wilt not but if you could heal but if...
Still, she insisted he read aloud every day. “Let’s bottle nuts when you finish reading,” she said in Esan. Jatto shook his head. He had so much homework to do. “I’ll never finish reading.” Jatto said “never” in English because there was no word for never in Esan. “What...
Chapter 10 - Then, from a flask he had with him, Samuel poured oil on Saul’s head and kissed him, saying: “The LORD anoints you ruler over his people
Each man should have his weapons in his hand. Kill anyone who tries to break through your ranks. Stay with the king wherever he goes."Good News TranslationYou are to guard King Joash with drawn swords and stay with him wherever he goes. Anyone who comes near you is to be killed." ...
He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the LORD has spoken. (Isaiah 25:8, ESV)
43And immediately, while He was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, with a great multitude with swords and clubs, came from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.44Now His betrayer had given them a signal, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him and lead...
Chapter 3 - He said to me: Son of man, eat what you find here: eat this scroll, then go, speak to the house of Israel. So I opened my mouth, and he
O ne can alm ost im agine Yang at the cen ter of a frantic m aelstrom o f change and confusion, th e o n e sp o t w here everything is q u ie t a n d still. In fact, d u rin g his stu d e n t days, Yang em barked on an experim ent that involved not speaking...
Ali raised a shout each time he had killed an enemy, and his voice was heard 300 times in one night; and a story closely resembling that of Shamgar is narrated of a Swedish peasant; but the question here is merely one of interpretation, and nothing is more common in Scripture, as in...