To use the chart manipulation routes, simply place the name of the repo directly after "/api" in the route: curl -F"chart=@mychart-0.1.0.tgz"http://localhost:8080/api/org1/repoa/charts You may also experiment with the--depth-dynamicflag, which should allow for dynamic depth levels (...
Install chart: helm install chartmuseum/mychart How to Run CLI Installation Install binary usingGoFish: gofish install chartmuseum ==> Installing chartmuseum... 🐠 chartmuseum 0.8.2: installed in 95.431145ms or manually: #on Linuxcurl -LO
production: values: - environment/production/values.yaml - myChartVer: 1.0.0 # disable vault release processing - vault: enabled: false ## `secrets.yaml` is decrypted by `helm-secrets` and available via `{{ .Environment.Values.KEY }}` secrets: - environment/production/secrets.yaml # Instru...