Conversely, given a scale, you can use the harmonize method to find all of the diatonic and dominant 7th chords for reach note in that scale: >>> from pprint import pprint ... scale = Scale('C', 'major') ... pprint(scale.harmonize(), indent=2) [ [ Chord(Note('C4'), 'maj')...
for most of my life, accepted to be the greatest section of music ever recorded. The chorus chords are reprised with an arpeggiated lead running brightly over the top. The stirring ambience of angelic electro wash, flush with a dramatic major to minor chord change are punctuated...
the zeroes, the tens and today. Every song in their Interactive Top 10 was from the new supergroup Boogie Sugar and the Flufftones featuring Madonna’s kid and the Minogue twins going at each other with inflatable mallets. Every song has the same four chords in a different order and lyrics...
In the prismatic world of pop,Chappell Roanknows how to rotate through every color in the rainbow. A kaleidoscope of wistful yet intense romance, Roan’sThe Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princesschurns with the unabashed authenticity that only true superstars can craft — and on adebutalbum, ...
He never did it. We put him up in the barn at night to listen to the coyotes and I had my tape machine ready to record him. He was a fantastic dog, 200lbs, his name was Max. I thought 'wouldn't this be great to have ...
did the last Van Halen reunion,” Anthony explained in a different part of the video. “And Sammy and I were talking about it. We're always reminiscing and stuff like that, and we thought, 'Gosh, 20 years.' And who knows what's happening now? We obviously can't wait much longer. ...
earthquake whammy dives and Riley Gale’s cut-throat barks make “Executioner’s Tax (Swing of the Axe)” a heavy-handed fist to the face of society and its ills. It’s a track born for the pit and anyone who has seen a Power Trip gig in the last couple years knows the night does...
Why Not. Gallagher is back again in 2022 with his next LP,C'mon You Know, confirming the news last November in a tweet. “My third record is finished [and] to be mixed by the mighty Spike [producer Mark “Spike” Stent] who is a [Manchester United] fan, so God knows what it’ll...
s message—quite a core dump of everything he thinks and feels about the issue—because a) it’s so eloquent—in spots, it reminds me of the Declaration of Independence—, b) he’s done a LOT of study and research, and knows what he’s talking about, and c) this is the kind of...
s message—quite a core dump of everything he thinks and feels about the issue—because a) it’s so eloquent—in spots, it reminds me of the Declaration of Independence—, b) he’s done a LOT of study and research, and knows what he’s talking about, and c) this is the kind of...