He's Just Not That Into You(2009)美国/ 德国 / 荷兰 / 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 / 2009-02-06(美国)上映 / 片长129分钟 想看 看过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 7.8 445485人评分可在线观看 打开豆瓣App查看播放源 剧情简介 GiGi(Ginnifer Goodwin 饰)是个对爱情充满幻想的女孩儿,却在一次次约会中受挫。她的...
傻女人们快醒醒吧,he is just not that into you. 暧昧并没错,错在你们离场太晚了。赌博的时候最怕的不是输赢,而是到最后不舍得离去。潇洒一点吧。 《He's Just Not That Into You》里,我最爱的一段台词。在误会一个男生喜欢她(gigi),然后表白之后发现是误会,被男生冷嘲热讽之后,说的一段话。Gigi说: ...
He's Just Not That Into You: Directed by Ken Kwapis. With Morgan Lily, Trenton Rogers, Michelle Carmichael, Jasmine Woods. This Baltimore-set movie of interconnecting story arcs deals with the challenges of reading or misreading human behavior.
He Is Just Not That Into You 电影【He Is Just Not That Into You】,中译【其实你不懂他的心】。Definitely a fantastic real movie. I'll give it Five-Star.非常喜欢这个片子,没有惊艳,却能让人省思。看多了过于夸张,或者悲伤的爱情,再看看这些,真实就在你眼前。男人与女人的本质都被剖开了,在女性...
He is just not that into you 《He is just not that into you》这部电影放在我电脑硬盘很长时间了,在不同的时间多次看到来自不同圈子的QQ好友把电影名称作为她们的QQ签名,于是对这个电影充满了好奇,想来应该是很好看,而且是比较符合女性口味的。终于在这个周末抽空看完了这部电影,可能是之前对它的期待太高,...
简介 GiGi(Ginnifer Goodwin 饰)是个对爱情充满幻想的女孩儿,却在一次次约会中受挫。她的闺蜜Beth(Jennifer Aniston 饰)和Janine(Jennifer Connelly 饰)不断鼓励GiGi在感情中振奋起来,却各自对爱情怀有遗憾。Beth与Neil(Ben Affleck 饰)同居七年,却一直未能等来期待的那枚婚戒。Janine的敏感让她与Ben(Bradley Cooper...
这是从《He's just not that into you》结尾里面摘录的对白"Every movie we see, every story we’re told, implores us to wait for it. The third act twist. The unexpected declaration of love. The exception to the rule. But sometimes we’re so focused on finding our happy ending, we don...
Why do we all say that to each other?Is it possible that we are too scared and too hard to say that one obvious truth that's staring everyone in the face:HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU...Gigi:He said he was nice meeting me Alex:I don't care if he says you were his...
he is just not that into you 汇聚了眼熟的大牌明星,阵容养眼啊~只看了开头和结尾总共一个小时的剧情吧~对没有正式谈过恋爱的人来讲,也算上了一课~ 感觉这部片子宣讲的爱情、婚姻主旨从整体上来看是悲观的,结了婚的会出轨,不结婚的好不容易结了婚后估计还是会出轨,到处散发求偶荷尔蒙的总算有了个主动来粘...
in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on. Maybe the happy ending is this, knowing that through all the unreturned phone calls and broken hearts, through all the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment, you never, ever gave up hope.