What is He Gets Us?A new way to explore the story of Jesus’ life and teachings. Tell me more FEATURED Refugee Jesus used his massive social influence to change hearts and minds, not politics. Jesus and the Woman at the Well Watch more Jesus was a refugee. Reading time: 1 min The ...
And he said, how wrong was the he gets us ad at the Super Bowl.Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, not the multitudes of unrepentant sinners as the ad depicts. Instead, for them, he freely offered himself up as a living sacrifice for their sins, which the ad never points out to...
But Jesus is also someone that simply loves you—a God that is no respecter of persons. Made possible by a small group of donors from wealthy anonymous families, He Gets Us is also presenton YouTube. In five months, its channel has grown to more than 8,000 subscribers, but it has als...
Hobby Lobby’s billionaire family emerges as the driving force behind He Gets Us and its Super Bowl ad campaign about Jesus
The $20 million advertising campaign, funded in part by the family behind religious craft store chain Hobby Lobby, as well as Christian groups and other anonymous donors, will kick off with two ads centered on the idea that when it comes to Jesus, "He Gets Us." ...
No one gets angry anymore. Like a man who has lost his house and his wife, we are dark and silent. America has broken us. Ideas of democracy and freedom have been so blatantly ridiculed, that our hearts cake together like moist ash. ...
Because without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God in one’s heart (who is meant to guide us unto all truth), the “things of this world” do not ultimately satisfy our souls. God’s written Word is the most important message of all time! It points to our Savior, Jesus Christ...
Children are taught not to talk to strangers, or certain family members. They learn to fear Santa and like Jesus more when he’s made out of chocolate. Don’t trust priests, question your teacher but obey your parents or there’ll be no more Nutella toothpaste. ...
A friend of mine related a story about how he and his partner were enjoying the beach one day when this clean-jean guy comes up to them and, uninvited, kneels down on their blanket and asks if he can take just ten minutes of their time to talk about his love of Jesus. My friend ...
because i know yes i know he holds my future and life is worth the living just because he lives let the four waves roll alright come on press my weary soul alright you'll be with me till the end alright because jesus is my friend alright let the wind the waves roll it'll be alrigh...