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摘要: [Original String]: WAN, C., YANG, Y., LI, H., LA, Y., ZHU, H., JIANG, L., CHEN, Y., FENG, G. & HE, L. 2006. Dysregulation of retinoid transporters expression in body fluids of schizophrenia patients. J Proteome Res, 5, 3213-6....
其中日本顺天堂大学附属顺天堂医院是日本权威的乳腺癌治疗医院。早在2006年,日本顺天堂大学附属顺天堂医院就成立了日本首家拥有乳腺科、放射科、整形外科、病理诊断科、化疗科、肿瘤治疗中心等科室密切配合的乳腺中心。 乳腺中心将负责肿瘤切除的主...
4. H. Iijima et al. “The Inhibitory Action of Long-Chain Fatty Acids on the DNA Binding Activity of p53” Lipids, vol. 41 pp. 521-527, 2006 Matreya相关产品 Sphingosines鞘氨醇 Synthetic Sphingosines with C18 Sphingoid Base(合成鞘氨醇与十八类鞘氨醇碱) ...
et al. Unravelling abiogenic and biogenic sources of methane in the Earth’s deep subsurface. Chem. Geol. 226, 328–339 (2006). Article ADS CAS Google Scholar Telling, J. et al. Bioenergetic constraints on microbial hydrogen utilisation in Precambrian deep crustal fracture fluids. Geomicrobiol....
(FAO2005; Grieser et al.2006). The mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) at the study site estimated to be 25.6 °C and 804 mm/year, respectively. Precipitation at the study site has a bimodal distribution pattern with a long rainy season lasting from June to...
[5] Grill, Jean-Bastien, et al. "Bootstrap your own latent-a new approach to self-supervised...
A complete porphyry-epithermal hydrothermal system has been developed in the district, including the Zijinshan HS epithermal deposit (So et al., 1998), Luoboling porphyry Cu-Mo deposit (Xue and Ruan, 2008), Yueyang LS epithermal Ag-Au-Cu deposit (Lin, 2006), Ermiaogou HS epithermal Cu ...
Multi-Perspective Convolutional Neural Networks for modeling textual similarity (He et al., EMNLP 2015) - castorini/MP-CNN-Torch