#遇见新西兰#新西兰原住民毛利人有句著名的谚语:” He aha te mea nui o te ao, He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.” 意思是:“你若问我世界上最重要的是什么,我会说是人,是人,还是人。”对自然的敬畏造就了新西兰人对环境的重视与守护;为所应为、坚守承诺的信念使新西兰拥有公平透明、诚信廉洁的...
Cultural Identities in a Globalising World He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata! Was held at The Auditorium, Level 3, Ministry for Social Development, Bowen State Building, Bowen Street, Wellington on Friday 17 April 2009.This workshop was of interest to ...
He Aha Ia Mea He Hana Pono?Synopsis: Some people who find the actions of the badminton teams who were disqualified at the...Solis, Na Kekeha
He aha ka mea nui?Synopsis: "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot...Gramberg, Kamakaulani
He Aha Ka Mea E Pono Ai?Synopsis: Due to the recent shooting spree in Connecticut, the issue of gun control has...Solis, Kekeha