Hair Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Only for Female Characters Description Files1 Images126 Videos7 Posts3,937 Logs About this mod This mod comes with female hairstyles from the KS Hairdos pack with added HDT SMP physics. It is standalone and does not require the main KS Hairdos mod. ...
User DartRevan has some troubleshooting tips here: You may need to install vc++ runtimes if you do not have them already. ...
HDT-SMP Racemenu Hair or Wigs ( (tested with v.1.21 Hair and Wigs FOMOD option) *** If you use their "Wigs only" FOMOD option, or v.1.2 Wigs ONLY downloads, you have to use my "XingNoHair" Main File alternative...
Modder's Resource Utilities for Modders Utilities for Players Hair View more...Tag this mod About this mod Faster physics for capes, clothes, hair, etc! Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Changelogs Donations Support Community...
Smp reset doesn't reload meshes correctly for some items (observed with Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim). Suspect references to the original triangle meshes are being dropped when they're no longer needed. We could keep ownership of the meshes, but it seems pretty marginal and a waste of memory. ...
我强烈推荐 KS Hairdoo的Princess HDT Hair 插件! 轻 骑兵披风兼容HDT 为了获得最佳效果,请与ARTISAN CLOAKS mod配合使用 !和 HDT Physics 安装 将所有相关文件复制到Skyrim SE文件夹中。 或使用Vortex。 采购 要获得这些精美的服装,要么;要么; 使用控制台命令:HUSSAR 和 KAISERIN 或使用 AddItemMenuSSE ...
HDT-SMP是一个skse插件,允许通过配置文件将更高级的物理交互作用应用于actor。该插件的原始作者hydrogensaysHDT已从Skyrim modding退休,并根据MIT许可证发布了该插件的源代码,使人们可以继续工作并为将来的版本更新该插件。此上传是尝试在单个分支下合并插件的社区修补程序的方法,可以在此处找到。
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics) Bijin Warmaidens SE Bijin Wives SE Bijin NPCs SE WHAT DOES THIS MOD DO?Replaces the hair for the NPCs from Bijin AIO with the KS Hairdos Physics Hair.All of the requirements need to be downloaded and installed.You als...
CBBE SMP (3BBB) - Official SMP body and config presets for CBBE SE CBBE 3BBB (3BA) - Edited CBBE SE body and config presets TBD SE TBD SMP BHUNP SEOther mods: KS Hairdos SMP or other hair mods Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim Search Nexus or other sources, there are far too many...