... Dcapable%20display.颜色无法在支持HDR的外部显示器上正确显示...
控件enabled设置为false时,hover失效 组件被隐藏后 onVisibleAreaChange 事件触发了两次 @Watch是否有粘性的概念 使用@Watch监听并在回调函数中调用其他异步接口时UI响应慢 如何将某个组件的点击事件传递给其他组件 如何移除页面上Video组件 触摸事件的TouchEvent调用stopPropagation时无法阻止事件分发 Input组件是否...
valaphee changed the title Log spam when using Vulkan backend Errors in log when using the default backend on Windows, with an HDR-enabled display Aug 3, 2023 Member cwfitzgerald commented Aug 3, 2023 Okay the HDR bit explains it all, AMD is likely using a DXGI based swapchain to do...
* added support for display peak luminance values of 265, 180 and 120 nits* HDR: gamut mapping is now always on, even if calibration control is disabled* fixed: DVD/Blu-Ray subs were positioned incorrectly when using DXVA scaling* fixed: DVD aspect ratio wasn't always shown correctly when...
display a very bright white color on HDR-enabled displays with ~1 KB of video filesuperwhite.mp4 if you view this page with a recent iPhone or iPad with low-power mode turned off, you should see a very bright white color above. on a Mac displays with HDR support, you should see a...
如果返回 XDisplayHdrModeResult::Enabled,则该函数还提供一个 XDisplayHdrModeInfo 结构,该结构包含针对 HDR 模式的最小和最大色调映射亮度值。下面的示例尝试为连接的显示屏启用 HDR 模式。 如果返回 XDisplayHdrModeInfo::Enabled,则为显示屏启用 HDR 模式,并且游戏使用来自返回的 XDisplayHdrModeInfo 结构的亮...
您可以使用Connecting and Configuring Displays (CCD) API。
(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows, false); PlayerSettings.SetGraphicsAPIs(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows, new[] { UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11 }); PlayerSettings.useHDRDisplay = true; EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("HDR Selector Enabled", "HDR selector has been enabled.", "OK"); ...
UIScreenReferenceDisplayModeStatusNotEnabled:表示此显示器支持参考模式,但用户尚未启用。 UIScreenReferenceDisplayModeStatusNotSupported:表示此显示器不支持参考显示模式。 色调映射(tone-mapping) 色调映射(tone-mapping)是一种用于图像处理和计算机图形学的技术,将一组颜色映射到另一组颜色,以近似达到高动态范围图像的...