not locked not frozen not expired: security count supported: enhanced erase 2minforSECURITY ERASE UNIT. 2minforENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT. Logical Unit WWN Device Identifier: 50026b786301a47a NAA:5IEEE OUI:0026b7 Unique ID:86301a47a Checksum: correct 硬盘基本信息 标准支持 配置信息 功能能力 命令...
Normally, Linux maintains the door locking mechanism automatically, depending on drive usage (locked whenever a filesystem is mounted). But on system shutdown, this can be a nuisance if the root partition is on a removeable disk, since the root partition is left mounted (read-only) after ...
not enabled not locked not frozen not expired: security count supported: enhanced erase 104min for SECURITY ERASE UNIT. 104min for ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT. Logical Unit WWN Device Identifier: 5000c500d61665e6 NAA : 5 IEEE OUI : 000c50 Unique ID : 0d61665e6 Checksum: correct purpleEndur...
, and setting it to maintains the door locking mechanism automatically, depending on drive usage (locked whenever a filesystem is mounted). But on system shutdown, this can be a nuisance if the root partition is on a removeable disk, since the root partition is left mounted (read-only) ...
Normally, Linux maintains the door locking mechanism automatically, depending on drive usage (locked whenever a filesystem is mounted). But on system shutdown, this can be a nuisance if the root partition is on a removable disk, since the root partition is left mounted (read-only) after ...
will unlock the door mechanism. Normally, Linux maintains the door locking mechanism automatically, depending on drive usage (locked whenever a filesystem is mounted). But on system shutdown, this can be a nuisance if the root partition is on a removeable disk, since the root partition is lef...
[] ALIGN1 = "supported" "\0" /* word 128, bit 0 */ "enabled" "\0" /* word 128, bit 1 */ "locked" "\0" /* word 128, bit 2 */ "frozen" "\0" /* word 128, bit 3 */ "expired: security count" "\0" /* word 128, bit 4 */ "supported: enhanced erase" /* word...
not locked not frozen not expired:security count not supported:enhanced erase Checksum:correct .检测并设置IDE硬盘的32位I/O模式 检测[root@cnscn~]# hdparm-c/dev/sda/dev/sda:IO_support=0(default16-bit)[默认16位I/O] 设置[root@cnscn~]# hdparm-c1/dev/sda ...
Power Management feature set * DOWNLOAD MICROCODE cmd * General Purpose Logging feature set * SMART self-test * SMART error logging Security: Master password revision code = 65534 supported not enabled not locked not frozen not expired: security count not supported: enhanced erase Checksum: correct...
human-vehicle communication tool. It’s basically an in-dash screen and controls to display navigation maps and play music. [Brian] found that the hard drive for the MMCS in his 2008 Lancer was locked, and could not be cloned and swapped out for a larger drive. Sound familiar to anyone?