规格 FARGO HDP5000e ID 证卡打印机依托过去 25 年积累的成熟再转印技术,历经七代,为 FARGO 系列高清打印解决方案的最新成员,重新定义了可靠性、易用性、安全性和卓越打印。 除了功能强大,HDP5000e 还配备用户友好的 SmartScreen™ 界面,操作更简单,直观详细的帮助提示帮助您轻松设置、维护和排除故障。 此外,HDP...
Young concluded, “The HID FARGO HDP5000e card printer offers seventh-generation retransfer technology for every need — from sharp and vibrant photo ID cards to multi-functional, high-security ID badge and card applications, the customer-inspired FARGO HDP5000e is the solution of choice f...