HDMI is enabled and not the S/PDIF setting. 0 Kudos Reply Tokens210 Level 10 03-05-2014 03:40 AM You didn't mention if ur using a video card or not but it sounds like not, most of the time you gottaA. Turn on HDMI audio in the nvidia or amd control if using a...
1、官网下载并安装最新N卡完整版驱动(要包括HDMI音频)。2、打开设备管理器(桌面“计算机”图标——右键属性——设备管理器),点击右键启用 Nvidia High Definition Audio;3、打开NVIDIA控制面板:桌面右键——NVIDIA控制面板,或控制面板——外观和个性化 —NVIDIA控制面板。选择“显示”——更改分辨率,...
点击桌面右键,选择NVIDIA控制面板,单击打开;在NVIDIA控制面板中选择“设置多个显示器”,选择主副显示屏,并选择“复制”模式;到这一步,液晶电视和笔记本屏幕显示相同画面。3.在音频属性中设置HDMI输出音频。在音频选项卡,对声音播放中的默认设备选择为NVIDIA High Definition Audio,点击应用。4.如果...
对于XP系统,首先打开"开始" > "设置" > "控制面板",然后找到"声音和音频设备",进入"音频"选项。确保将默认声音播放设备设置为"ATI(NVIDIA) HD Audio rear output"。如果找不到,检查设备管理器,确保显卡驱动已正确安装,包括显卡内置的声卡驱动。集成HDMI驱动的优势 现代显卡驱动通常包含HDMI声音驱...
首先你要安装HDMI声卡的驱动,安装好以后你要在声音设置里把HDMI AUDIO设置为默认输出设备,HDMI声卡只支持输出,很多都不能调的。
I checked the Playback devices and noticed that the device "NVIDIA HDMI Output - NVIDIA High Definition Audio" showed as "Not plugged in". I've tried many things but no luck so far to bring the audio to my TV. Here are some of the steps I've already done: Troubleshooti...
Doesn't matter if you have your GPU audio installed or not. It should still show up. As far as I am aware all Motherboards, that I know, have HD Audio integrated in it. Note: I have a Nvidia GPU that is why it is showing also Nvidia HD Audio and a Haupphage ...
有点像电话线。 如果你不用HDMI连接液晶电视什么的,这个问题可以无视掉,不影响正常使用的。1、若接的用HDMI连接液晶电视,请把插线重新连接一下,应该是接触不好2、若没用HDMI线,则在声音属性里面把硬件设备改为IDT HD Audio,不要用Nvidia的,这是显卡内置的声卡,只能用于HDMI音频输出 ...