Social Security System (SSS)— SSS旨在为私人雇员及其家人提供针对残疾、疾病、年老和死亡的保护。 Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF)— 也称为PAG-IBIG基金,或称住房公积金,该基金可以向私企员工、公务人员以及任何选择加入该基金的个体经营户提供住房贷款。 Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth /P...
二、HDMF (PAG-IBIG) 住房公积金 员工在每次领取薪时,由雇主从中代扣一定金额,并由雇主代为缴纳。原先PAG-IBIG在2021年计划将其成员及其雇主的缴费率从Php100提高到Php150,然而受到COVID19新冠疫情影响,2023年1月宣布将持续延缓费率上升的计划。以下提供原定的费率计划,预计在2024年实行: 上图的2023年原定费率计...
Welcome to the Pag-IBIG Fund Online Registration System! This system caters New members of the Fund who intends to register their member's information. Click Continue to register. DISCLAIMER: Some features of the system behave differently with Opera, we recommend using the latest version of ...