a, Immunoblot analysis of SR-B1 expression in Huh-7 cells transfected with HA-SR-B1 or siSR-B1 from Fig. 4b–d. b, The bars in the graph represent the RFI from 50 cells per sample from Fig. 4b. n=50 from 3 biologically independent samples and five technical duplication for each samp...
28113-22780 28113-J5100 1109130P1919 28113-A5800 11090104B00 28113-2P300 28113-B3100 28113-H8100 B00014129 28113-2J000 1105020AIR-01 28113-3E000 28113-4V100 28113-4D000 28113-39000 1109130P...