Another significant benefit of chiropractic treatments is their adaptability for individuals of all ages and lifestyles. From athletes seeking peak performance to seniors looking to maintain mobility and independence, chiropractic care offers tailored solutions for diverse needs. Pregnant women, for example,...
12月19日消息,In-Solutions Global (ISG)是一家总部位于印度的支付解决方案提供商,它已收到摩根大通的一笔未公开金额的战略投资。ISG成立于2004年,鼓励更快地采用现代支付技术,并通过其专有的支付即服务平台扩大规模。(Tech in Asia) 7.【印度金融服务公司Navi Tech正在进行pre-IPO融资谈判】 12月20日消息,Navi...
Explore common clock domain crossing issues and synchronization strategies Lunch-and-Learn Space is limited soregister today Talk with the experts: Stop by for a demonstration at booth 1457 orregister todayfor a private session to meet with our team to learn how Blue Pearl Software can accelerate ...
•Access to group systems and data is granted on a need-to-know basis and least privileged •Industry-leading solutions for end-point management, anti-virus, data loss prevention, Privilege Access Management and secure email communications •Periodic penetration testing and testing of business co...