HDL 携带的胆固醇主要是使之回到肝脏中去,从而得以得到代谢并排除,最后可以达到一个减少胆固醇沉积的作用,提供动脉血管的HDL,血浆胆固醇量其实是减少的。 所以说低密度脂蛋白(LDL)中的胆固醇是“bad cholesterol” ,而高密度脂蛋白(HDL)中的胆固醇是“good cholesterol”。反馈...
在伴有高甘油三酯血症时,HDL2-C降低尤为明显。值得一提的是,临床上HDL-C与冠心病具有负相关,因而HDL-C被认为是“好胆固醇(good cholesterol) ”,这是一种误解。 HDL中胆固醇本身并无任何特异性,它的水平只是反映其代谢状况的一种标志,HDL亚组分与冠心病的不同相关性正是其不同的代谢特性决定的[6]。 应用GGE的...
3.为什么说低密度脂蛋白(LDL)中的胆固醇是“ bad cholesterol”,而高密度脂蛋白HDL)中的胆固醇是“ good cholesterol”
HDL-cholesterol GoodcholesterolCholesterolboundtohigh-densitylipoprotein;↑HDL-CandHDL-C:totalcholesterolratioarelinkedto ↑longevityand↓morbidityanddeathfromMI,CAD,cholesterol-relatedmorbidity; ↑HDL-Ccommonlyaffects♀withHTNorobesity,andmayberelatedtoenvironmentalcauses–eg,alcoholconsumption,ortherapywithH2-blocke...
然后我们最喜欢bacon ,bacon 很油啊sausage 啊,1999年就已经出来开始出来讲了cholesterol is good news...
High-density lipoprotein (HDL):A type of cholesterol that helps to decrease buildup of LDL in the blood vessels; also known as "good cholesterol" Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL):Like LDL, it's also a "bad" form of cholesterol. If you fasted before your lipid panel test, higher-than...
Noun1.HDL cholesterol- the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins; the `good' cholesterol; a high level in the blood is thought to lower the risk of coronary artery disease alpha-lipoprotein,HDL,high-density lipoprotein- a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the blood; composed of a high...
[2] Very high levels of ‘good cholesterol’ may be associated with dementia risk: study. Retrieved 29-NOV-2023 from https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1009474
mntnew england journal of medicine nejm
Study author Ko said we need to rethink what “good” cholesterol tells us about heart disease and health. “The message is to think about HDL in the future as much less a direct cardiovascular marker,” he said. “If you have a very low level, that is a marker of poor general health...