HDImeasuresachievementintermsoflifeexpectancy,educationandrealincome. Severalcountriesarerankedinsurprisinglydifferentplaceson the HDI than on aconventionalrankingbyGDPperhead. ThereportincludedHD Indexrankingsfor differentgroups. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases ...
The human development index (HDI) is the index used by the United Nations to measure the progress of a country. The previous indicators measured the economic development of a country, but HDI examines health, education and incomes
The United Nations also calculated a HDI taking into consideration of inequality in the country. When inequality adjusted, Brazil's HDI fell to 0.561 and the country dropped 19 positions in the ranking.
DateHDIHDI Ranking 20220.483179º 20210.482179º 20200.482180º 20190.488177º 20180.480179º 20170.479177º 20160.476178º 20150.470178º 20140.465178º 20130.458179º 20120.454179º 20110.450178º 20100.441178º ...
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has changed the calculation methodology of human development index in 2010. This leads to a change in the position of some countries in the world ranking. These changes include: calculation of expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling ...
Measuring the success of sustainable development indices in terms of reporting by the global press. Social Indicators Research, 125(2), 359–375. Article Google Scholar Nissan, E. (1997). Rating and ranking metro areas in the United States and Canada for the arts and recreations. Journal of...
全球184个国家疫情复苏指数(Ranking of Countries by Recovery Index)调查报告显示,泰国是仅次于澳洲的疫情复苏第2快国家,在亚洲地区则排名第1。#泰国病情##泰国# 泰国旅游超话#泰国疫情##泰国宣布进入紧急状态# 0 0 ñ16 +关注 军恋日记本 06月15日 18:42 军恋日记本超话 军恋的日常“...
Launched in 1981, the Golden Rooster Awards is widely considered as one of the three most prestigious awards for Chinese-language films, jointly ranking with Hong Kong's Golden Statue Awards and Taiwan's Golden Horse Awards. Last year, the organizers announced that the Golden...
hdi.at Ranking by Traffic Website ranking helps evaluate the value of a business. Over the last three months, hdi.at's global ranking has increased from 859,929 to 1,044,249. Share Category RankInsurance(In Austria)Country RankIn AustriaGlobal Rank OctNovDec54606672 RANK Similarly ranked ...
DateHDIHDI Ranking 20220.650133º 20210.647133º 20200.650132º 20190.653132º 20180.652132º 20170.650131º 20160.650130º 20150.648129º 20140.639130º 20130.633131º 20120.628131º 20110.618132º 20100.609132º ...