Partial payments, minimum amount due payment or lesser than minimum amount payment is when the interest rate is paid by you. Most Credit Card companies usually offer a grace period for payment of the full amount. If you do not make the full payment within this grace period, the interest ...
Bill Payment Upon Credit Card bill generation, the card issuer provides a grace period of up to 20 days for bill payment. To steer clear of late payment charges, ensure you pay at least the minimum amount due before the due date. While you can make partial payments, note that the remain...
Late payment fee- Partial repayment or non-payment of the outstanding amount attracts a penalty of 3% plus 18% GST. Although there are some charges to be wary of, as long as you keep those in mind, you can use FlexiPay to make your purchases. Learn more here. ...
Late Payment Fee - Non-Payment or partial payment of EMI outstanding will attract a late payment penalty of Rs. 550 + GST @ 18% (subject to change as per Govt. instruction) irrespective of the EMI outstanding, subject to a minimum of Rs 354 (300 plus GST@18%). ...