hdf5文件没有损坏,但是训练的时候开多线程后报错, 可以尝试增加以下代码,解除锁定 os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] ="FALSE"
OSError: Unable to create file (file locking disabled on this file system (use HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING environment variable to override), errno = 38, error message = 'Function not implemented') 解决方法 在写Python的脚本前面加上一句: os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = 'FALSE' 或者: expo...
OSError: Unable to create file (file locking disabled on this file system (use HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING environment variable to override), errno = 38, error message = 'Function not implemented')解决方法 在写Python的脚本前面加上一句:os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = 'FALSE'或...
export HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING="FALSE" export RHDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING="FALSE" 然后执行source ~/.bashrc,就可以解决Linux环境下无法读取h5文件的错误了。 Reference Error in H5Fopen(file): Unable to open HDF5 file when using subsetArchRProject to create new arrow files · Issue #248 · GreenleafLab...
AC_MSG_CHECKING([enable file locking]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([file-locking], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-file-locking=(yes|no|best-effort)], [Sets the default for whether or not to use file locking when opening files. Can be overridden ...
(Read-Only) HDFS VFD: no dmalloc: no Packages w/ extra debug output: none API tracing: no Using memory checker: no Memory allocation sanity checks: no Function stack tracing: no Use file locking: best-effort Strict file format checks: no Optimization instrumentation: no (base) huan@...
Using memory checker: no Memory allocation sanity checks: no Function stack tracing: no Use file locking: best-effort Strict file format checks: no Optimization instrumentation: no Bye... Aborted (core dumped)
OSError: Unable to create file (file locking disabled on this file system (use HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING environment variable to override), errno = 38, error message = 'Function not implemented') I have permission to write everywhere. any help? Author dek8v5 commented May 11, 2019 solved by...
也许可以尝试以只读模式打开该文件。您可以使用H5Fopen("/pathway/to/external/SSD/abundance.h5", flags...