安装hdf5r包时报错:checking for h5cc... no checking for h5pcc... no checking for HDF5 libraries... no 搜了一下,将hdf5/bin下的文件软连接到/usr/local/bin 总算能找到h5cc了,但还是报错:libhdf5_hl.so.100: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 查了下好...
安装hdf5r包时报错: checking for h5cc... no checking for h5pcc... no checking for HDF5 libraries... no 搜了一下,将hdf5/bin下的文件软连接到/usr/local/bin for f in /usr/local/hdf5/bin/* ; do ln -s $f /usr/local/bin ; done \ 总算能找到h5cc了,但还是报错: libhdf5_hl.so.100...
Cmake告诉我 Found HDF5: C:/Program Files/HDF_Group/HDF5/1.10.0/bin/hdf5_cpp.dll (found version "1.10.0")我也使用存储在${HDF5_LIBRARIES} ${HDF5_CXX_L 浏览2提问于2016-11-16得票数 1 回答已采纳 5回答 无法为Python2.7重新安装PyTables 、、 除了2.7之外,我还在安装Python2.7。当再次安装PyTa...
(3)检查安装,这里记得用超级命令给权限,不然会导致安装失败。 $ sudo make $ sudo make check $ sudo make install $ sudo make check-install (4)修改cmakelist文件 find_package(HDF5) include_directories(${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR} /usr/local/include/usr/include/hdf5/) target_link_libraries(“可执行文件名...
# 这部分安装时并未涉及# 必要的组件如下:#·Intel Fortran Compiler#·Intel C++ Compiler#·Intel Math Kernel Library 2019 Update 1 for Fortran里的Intel MKL core libraries for Fortran、Fortran 95 interfaces for BLAS and LAPACK、Cluster support for Fortran#·Intel Math Kernel Library 2019 Update 1 ...
visual studio - HDF5: Build Fortran libraries (Windows) - Stack Overflow HDF库使用环境搭建_xuyong7的博客-CSDN博客 HDF5-Fortran: Visual Studio 2019 + Intel Fortran + Win10 x64 - HDF5 - HDF Forum IVF读取hdf5格式的数据-编程工具交流-专业Fortran论坛 - ...
./vasp_std: error while loading shared libraries: libhdf5_fortran.so.310: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 没有加载hdf5库,手动链接一下 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/soft/hdf5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 再次运行,没有问题,下面脚本供参考 ...
解决方案是清除所有HDF 5软件包并重新安装它们,使用 第一个月 只使用remove不会导致一组新的配置文件...
install hdf5 on ubuntu 12.04 you can probably install the debian libraries into quantal with no issues...$cd hdf5-* $sudo mk-build-deps -ir $debuild -us -uc 上述方法现在已经不适用,Google后发现,可以直接使用hdf5...二进制包,由于本机为64bit linux,下载64位下的二进制包: $wget http://www...
Libraries: Statically Linked Executables: OFF LDFLAGS: /machine:x64 H5_LDFLAGS: AM_LDFLAGS: Extra libraries: Archiver: Ranlib: Languages: --- C: yes C Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx86/x64/cl.exe 19.16.27027.1...