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在build/subsystem_config.json文件中增加名为topeet的子系统,在3.4节已经新建了topeet文件夹存放子系统代码。添加 topeet 子系统进行一个登记,说明路径和子系统名称,如,21ic电子技术开发论坛
The view_hdf tool can select and subset variables from either Science Data Sets (SDS) or vdata structures in an HDF file, render both two and three dimensional graphics, and plot geolocated data onto various world map projections. Other features include multiple variable plots, difference plots...
摘要: Many atmospheric and oceanographic data sets are being archived in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF). HDF is self-documenting and enables the storage of large scientific data sets in ... 查看全部>>会议名称: Oceans 2002 Conference & Exhibition, vol.2 ...
The CERES Data Management team has developed a visualization and analysis tool written in Interactive Data Language (IDL), view_hdf, which provides a graphical user interface for manipulating these HDF data sets. The view_hdf tool can select and subset variables from either Science Data Sets (...
5 serviceName 表示服务名称,服务加载成功之后会在开发板的/dev/目录下生成节点。例如HDF_PLATFORM_UART...
[Hdf-forum] HDF View 2.10. user guide When I attempt to open the user guide from HDFView 2.10.1 I'm being directed tohttp://www.hdfgroup.org/products/java/hdf-java-html/hdfview/UsersGuide/index.htmland getting a 404 / file not found response. Gerard Weatherby Appllication Architect ...
作者: P. Visualizing NASA ASDCs Data using viewhdf & misrview ( annualiips) 摘要: misr_view is specifically designed for MISR and Air MISR files that use the HDF-EOS "grid" interface. For MISR data, the user interface provides data selection for specified orbits, paths or observation ...
作者: Abstract Visualizing NASA ASDCs Data using viewhdf & misrview ( Annual) 摘要: misr_view is specifically designed for MISR and Air MISR files that use the HDF-EOS "grid" interface. For MISR data, the user interface provides data selection for specified orbits, paths or observation ...