抓取log信息,命令格式如下: hdc hilog [options] 返回值: 返回抓取到的日志信息。 使用方法: hdc hilog 交互命令,命令格式如下: hdc shell [COMMAND] 返回值: 返回shell后面执行命令的结果信息。 使用方法: hdc shell ps -ef ohpm使用指导 hvigor命令行 ...
$ hdc shell param Command list: param ls [-r] [name] --display system parameter param get [name] --get system parameter param set name value --set system parameter param wait name [value] [timeout] --wait system parameter param dump [verbose] --dump system parameter param shell [-p]...
HarmonyOS SDK/toolchains 下的hdc 命令使用说明能提供些文档说明吗
shell [-nTtx] [COMMAND...] Start a shell and run COMMAND under the target -n: do not read from stdin -T: disable pseudo-terminal utiity(PTY) allocation -t: force PTY allocation -x: disable remote exit codes and stdout/stderr separation ...
$ hdc target boot 查看设备信息 名称 $ hdc shell param get const.product.name HUAWEI Mate 60 Pro Brand $ hdc shell param get const.product.brand HUAWEI Model $ hdc shell param get const.product.model ALN-AL00 系统版本 $ hdc shell param get const.product.software.version ALN-AL00 5.0...
# to set the speed reported by device and by the 'disk' device to specify # an alternative redolog file of some image modes. # # If you connect the mouse or tablet to one of the ports, Bochs forwards the # mouse movement data to the USB device instead of the selected mouse type....
To run the functional tests in self-hosted mode, you specifymalas the test implementation and use theMAL_IMPLmake variable to change the underlying host language (default is JavaScript): make MAL_IMPL=IMPL "test^mal^step2" # e.g. make "test^mal^step2" # js is default make MAL_IMPL=rub...
'ReadOnly' attribute property '<propertyfield>' cannot be the target of an assignment บทความ 16/11/2555 An attempt was made to assign a value to a ReadOnly property in an attribute.Error ID: BC31501To correct this errorRemove the property assignment statement. If using ...
Arrays used as attribute arguments are required to explicitly specify values for all elements 'As Any' is not supported in 'Declare' statements 'As' expected 'As', comma or ')' expected Assembly '<assemblyname>' cannot be created because its path is longer than 259 characters Assembly '<fi...