1. 先在support.sap.com上下载最新的更新包IMDB_SERVER100_122_4-10009569.SAR 2. SAPCAR -xvf IMDB_SERVER100_122_4-10009569.SAR -R /hana 得到目录SAP_HANA_DATABASE 3.在studio上查看HANA Server的版本 4.从studio进去到SAP HANA Platform Lifecycle Managerment ,使用磁贴Update System and Components UR...
ECQ:/hana/SAP_HANA_DATABASE # ./hdblcm SAP HANA Lifecycle Management-SAP HANA1.***Scanning Software Locations... Detected components: SAP HANA Database ( Choosesystemtoupdate,orchoose installation Index|System|Database Proper...
Solved: Dear experts, When installing SAP HANA database, instead of using hdblcm/hdblcm, we used hsbinst As a result, when the installation finished, we realized that
Solved: Hi Experts! Status of HANA platform lifecycle management configuration ( ID 90 ) Determines if the system was not installed/updated with the SAP HANA Database
SAP HANA Database ( in /hana/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server Choose system to update, or choose installation Index | System | Database Properties --- 1 | HEQ (update) | | | eccqas (Database Worker (worker)) ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP HANA Hi Experts when we try to access hdblcmweb via the link (https://server:1129/lmsl/HDBLCM/HA1/index.html) , this error occurs What could be the reason ? Many Thanks Best RegardsKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details...