Elgato Game Capture HD60S 游戏视频录制器爆料人: 商家自荐 18-02-26发布 此商品目前在沃尔玛全球购官方旗舰店的现售价为1429元,可参加满399-20优惠券活动,属于近期好价包邮包税到手价1409元,适合成人使用,感兴趣的值友不容错过。Elgato游戏捕捉HD60 S - 流/记录你较好的游戏时刻。 简明购买步骤 1 加购...
I tried the Elgato HD60s in Game Capture 3.70.1, Wirecast 8.1.1, OBS 20.1.3 and vMix you can see in the attached images, my Elgato works in every software except vMix.I followed all your suggestions, but now Elgato cannot be added as input in vMix instead as before ...