在 HD- ZipIII 和 HD-ZipIV 中基序种类的跨度范围都比较大,从 2-9 种不等,同时这两个亚组也是含有基序 数量最多的.在 HD-ZipI 和 HD-ZipII 中保守基序的 分布比较均一,跨度从 2-5 个不等.发现绝大多数 GhHDZ 家族基因含有 Motif 1,Motif 2 和 Motif 8 基序, 说明这 3 个基序在 GhHDZ 家族...
以模式植物拟南芥为例,HD-Zip I在非生物胁迫(ATHB1、ATHB5、ATHB6、ATHB7、ATHB12)[4],光信号转导(ATHB16)[5],叶片发育(ATHB1、ATHB3、ATHB16和ATHB20)[4]等方面发挥重要的作用;HD-Zip II主要在植物发育过程中参与环境改变应答机制,特别是光质改变应答调控(ATHB2、ATHB4、ATHB2)[6,7];HD-Zip III主要...
The HD-Zip family of transcription factors is unique to the plant kingdom. These proteins exhibit the singular combination of a homeodomain with a leucine zipper acting as a dimerization motif. They can be classified into four subfamilies, according to a set of distinctive features that include ...
HD-Zip II TFs also have a distinguishing feature in their C-terminus, the CPSCE motif responsible for redox regulation of protein activity [13], and the ZIBEL motif in their N-terminus [11]. No common feature outside the HD-Zip domain has been assigned to subfamily I TFs. What is ...
HD-Zip II gene\n PaHAT14\n\n Phalaenopsis orchidVIGSTo analyze the genes involved in orchid floral development, a homeodomain-leucine zipper II gene PaHAT14 , which is specifically and highly expressed in perianth during early flower development, was identified from Phalaenopsis . Transgenic ...
摘要 摘要 HD-Zip 转录因子是植物中特有的一类转录因子,在高等植物的生长发育以及生 物和非生物胁迫等逆境应答中起着重要的调控作用。根据其结构、保守序列和功能特 性,可将 HD-ZIP 分为四个亚家族(HD-Zip I 、HD-Zip II 、HD-Zip III 和 HD-Zip IV )。 在本研究中,从黄瓜基因组数据库中鉴定了来自四...
依据HD-ZIP转录因子结构和功能差异, 可将其分为HD-Zip I、HD-Zip II、HD-Zip III和HD-Zip IV四类[1]。HD-Zip转录因子已分别从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thalianaL.)[2]、烟草(Nicotiana tabacumL.)[3]、苜蓿(Medicago truncatulaL.)[4]和小立碗藓(Physomitrella patensH.)[5]中被克隆出来, 并对其响应非...
HD-ZIP类型基因进行进化树的构建分析,结果显示其进化树簇状分枝明显,亲源关系较近的 基因倾向分布在同一分枝中。根据分枝的关系将54个杨树HD-ZIP基因分为四类,命名为I、II、 III、IV。在四大分类中包含22对亲源关系较近的杨树-杨树基因对。染色体定位显示,除13 ...
In the present study, the pollen vitality, the transcriptome, phytohormone content, and the HD-ZIP gene family in sweet cherry were be analyzed. (1) This study found that the pollen vigor of the ‘Brooks’ was lower, and the structure of the pollen electron microscope was deformed; (2) ...